Category Archives: Janae

Home Decorating with a Modern + Rustic + Eclectic Style

As you know, our family will be moving in a few weeks and we are getting ready for the insane amounts of chaos that is about to take place. I have been packing boxes, which has taken me longer than normal, because I’m organizing/decluttering everything as I go. Holy SMOKES… where does all of this...

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Mommy Movie Reviews: Minions

Are you ready for a few more Mommy Movie Reviews? I know I am! I love heading to the movies with the kiddos – and as I’ve mentioned it before, we love movies in our family and see them pretty soon after they’re released. I’ll share my two cents with you, but I’d love to...

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Why we ALL Need the 12 Step Program!

Do you ever mess up and swear you’ll never do it again? Kinley showed me this video of Jordan yesterday, and I about died! I couldn’t believe that he’s grown up so much since we adopted him, almost five years ago. And boy, isn’ he cute?! I remember that little stinker pooping on the floor...

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Mommy Movie Reviews: Jurassic World and Inside Out

Good morning friends! I’m here in sunny Las Vegas today, celebrating Father’s Day with the fam. As I’ve mentioned before, Jon and I recently expanded our business to LV – which means we will also be spending time here with the family. Jon has set up his house for people that will be coming to...

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Use the 5 Protective Factors to Make Families STRONG

Here at My Mommy Style, we love talking about being a mom, our individual styles of mothering and how to do simple things each day to strengthen our families. None of us are perfect, of course, and we think motherhood can drive you crazy, and be lots of fun at the same time! I’ve spent...

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Do you ever look at your kids and wonder where the time went? I do. Yesterday I was spending time with my brother, Dave, and as we looked through many houses to possibly buy. He leaned over to me and said, “Janae, do you realize you are the mother of a kindergartner, and a Grandma...

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Who wants to meet Daniel Tiger?

Today is a great day, because I get to announce that my friends over at KBYU are hosting a super FUN and FREE kids event! They have put so much time into planning this great day, and I’m sure they would love to have every single one of you there! I’m always looking for fun...

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10 Tips for Raising a Teenage Daughter

Raising kids at any stage is difficult and you can find yourself questioning everything. Here are 10 tips for raising teenage daughters from someone who has been there.   A few weeks ago, I was really frustrated with one of my teenage daughters. She was having difficulties with her friends at school, and her stress was...

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Sometimes, even a Mom gets to Dress up

When I left high school, I thought I’d never get the chance to put on a formal dress again. But life has a way of making things happen that you never planned on. Now, for various reasons, I find myself all dolled up. Most of the time it’s to attend a gala and support one...

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MyMommyStyle Meet Camille

Hello! I am Camille, a wife, mother of four, Disney obsessed, certified teacher, and reality optimist. Motherhood comes with its ups and downs, and I hope while you're here you'll find something that makes your #momlife easier!


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Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style

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Embrace the Mom You AreMy Mommy Style


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